Life is not fair,get used to it and move on

My good friend Kojo Akyina lost his life in what appears to be a ritual murder. His manhood was cut off and he was left to bleed to death in a suburb of Kumasi. When we were growing up, Akyina being a talented footballer wanted to play at the highest level until he met his untimely death. Two years now his murderers have not been found. If ever they were pursued in the first place. What a world? My nephew of almost the same age who was my childhood friend died a couple of years ago after a short illness. Pappa, left a wife and four little kids and he didn't witness his 40th birthday. The news of his death was broken to me at dawn. It was so shocking to me to the extent that after two years of his demise, I put my phone on silent every night when I am about to go to bed. Life! When I was a child I wanted to be a medical doctor when I grew up. I am not a medical doctor now and I don't even know what I want to become. Behind the sweet smiles of men, there is a bitter sadness wo...